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In the academic understanding of Piaff, the excercise itsself is not a goal, but a tool.
School walk
In modern time we have forgotten to work in walk. As all gates have to be worked with equal attention, the rediscovering of all elements of the walk is a very important step to the roots of the Academic Art of Riding.
Academic use of the whip
In this movie, Bent Branderup explains not only the usage of the whip as a fine aid, but also the use of the whip as a cultural heritage.
Academic leg
Academic leg In the Academic Art of Riding we want the horse to understand the aid. The softer the aid is given, the more we are relying on the cooperation of the horse.
Handwork – leading from the outside
Leading the horse in hand from the outside gives you the possibility to do the same work, you could do with pilars, just without all the dangers. This technique is a good way to educate the riders hand, without him sitting on the horse.
Long rein
The Academic long rein is based on the groundwork, longework and handwork. For those, who already master the basic, it completes the frame around the horse and is the logical next step.
Pilar work
The Pilar work is a traditional way of educating a high school horse.
Kunst der Könige (in German)
Film by Roman Teufel, made in the year 1998, 45 minutes